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The body on this Camaro is very solid, no serious rust damage. However, the rear quarter panels will be replaced do to some previous work.

These holes will be repaired.

New metal has been welded in to fill the holes.

Stripping paint from body.

The body and parts are sand blasted and ready for metal work.

Some minor rust repair on the doors and then they are ready for primer

First application of primer.

Body filler followed by primer.

The hood has been filled and primed, ready fo block sanding.

Here is a test panel painted with the possible color for the car.

Extraneous holes were welded closed.

Some misc. parts are painted semi-gloss black.

The old rusty dash is removed and replaced with a new one.

The quarter panels will be replaced due to previous metal work.

Here is the start of fitting the quarter panel.

The outer wheelhouse is finished and the inside is painted before installing the quarter panel.

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