Here is the truck before any work started. The wheel lip trim hid much of the rust.

The box was rusted on both sides in front and behind the wheels. Some good panels were cut out from rust free boxes at the junkyard. This photo shows roughly where the metal will be replaced.

The panels are welded in and ready for some filler and primer.

The box was removed from the truck and sand blasted and painted underneath before the white was painted.

The tailgate and rust free fenders are now being prepped for paint.

After these parts are painted, the doors and cab are next. Because this is a solid color the parts can be painted separately without panels not matching.

The doors are now ready for paint. While the box was off, the frame was also sandblasted and painted semi-gloss black. The bottom edge of the doors were also blasted to remove rust.

The final panel to prep and paint is the hood.

Here is the assembled finished truck. The headlights were wetsanded and polished to remove haze. A new bumper, windshield and door glass were also installed.