This car had been recently painted but the panel alignment and gaps were not properly taken care of.

There were so many areas that needed attention, the car will need to be completely repainted.

The gap trunk lid was almost 1/2", some metal will be welded on to the lid to close the gap. A gap of 4-5 mm looks good and allows for good clearance when opening doors, hoods or trunks.

The rear edge of the trunk also does not line up with the quarter panel.

body had to be fitted to match the window trim.

This photo shows the side of the hood with a small slice removed and welded. This will open up the gap where it was too tight.

The upper part of the front fender is higher than the door. This is solved by removing a slice of metal from the fender allowing it to lower in to match the door.

The fender now fits flush with the door. This photo is after painting.

The car is now ready for primer and block sanding.

Here are some photos of the car after painting to show the final fit and proper gaps.

The car is assembled. The decal stripes are yet to be applied.